Livecycle Designer Continue to Another Line Javascript

  • Long text flowing incorrectly on the next page field

    Hi guys,.

    I checked the "allow Page Breaks in content" in a subform. I include a field of text in the subform and checked "Allow multiple lines" so if long text cannot fit in the text field in a page, it will continue to the next page. The problem is now in the second page content is not continue from the first page, but it is to copy the content of the first page.

    For example: 8 lines must be inserted in the text field. Only 5 lines can fit into the text box on first page. Then the line 6-8 should continue on the second page. Yes, the text field has 3 lines on the second page, but not line 6-8, it copies the line 1-3 on the first page.

    Anyone has any experience on this or can anyone help me?


    South Africa

    This is your page 2 & 3.  See how 2 3 flowing

  • place text from the text field to the other in a subform of livecycle

    Hi all

    I have a dynamic form created in Adobe Livecycle Designer ES, which contains several subforms positioned inside a fluid page. I want to have two fields of text inside one of the subforms so that the text entered in the first field of text (not expandable) will continue in the text field (which is a repeating field). I know that there is a script inside of Acrobat that will do, but may not know how to write a JavaScript for the form in livecycle designer.

    The two fields serve as stand-alones without problem, but not as described above.

    (Here's the script Acrobat XI, which doesn't work for in livecycle, but give an idea of what I'm trying to do):

    Action: Triggered on mouse towards the top/run menu

    / * belongs to: AcroForm:textfield1:Keystroke * /.

    If (event.fieldFull | event.willCommit)

    this.getField("textfield2").setFocus ();

    < / ACRO_script >

    < / AcroForm >

    Is there a corresponding JavaScript for livecycle? Thanks for your suggestions!


    You can use the full event here for the length text box that is set. So to write the following code in the complete event of a text field whose length is fixed. (the text field whose length is not fixed)

    Thank you


  • How do the flow of text in a field to another. It cannot be a multiline field.

    I am creating an interactive form that must also be the possibility to be printed and completed manually. How can I get the text is flowed by a field with one below when two text fields are not the same width? For this reason, it cannot be a multiline field. I have attached a screenshot to illustrate my attempt to continue the flow of text in the text field text field 22 to 23. Thank you.

    "Not good" means that you lose at least one character during the movement of the raw material to the second, and you also cannot come back in the second field of the first when you use the BACKSPACE key.

    I would advise against trying it. If you can, re-design the form so that the two lines start at the same position and then use a multiline field. If you are unable to do this, simply leave the fields being independent of each other. The user will be able to tab between them.

  • Preserve the header and footer in the text field flowing through a page


    I am creating a form, where the main text field Pounces on the next page (that I go to do). I created two master pages, the first page and the page of continuation. I want the field of main text to expand on the continuation page, while preserving the footer of the main page and the header/footer of the continuation pages. On the continuation page, I have a field name at the top of the page, I want to whether the value of the same text box of the home page, how to achieve this.

    The layout must remain what it 'looks like' on both master pages, I want to just be written in the main area on the first page to continue in the main area of the second page of the text. I want the second page to reproduce as many times as necessary to adapt the text.

    Help! PLEASE, I BEG YOU!

    I have attached my work so far, please do not hesitate to pick up ragged and make it work!


    For 1 issue, you can simply set the binding of this field worldwide and all fields will have the same value. Click on the object and in the object palette, there is a tab link. In the set default binding change None to Global.

    For the 2nd problem, you have a Pg1 field called numberOfPages. This field is used in conjunction with another domain on the master Page2. He shodul not be located on this page. I removed it, then I was able to resize the titleForm subform to fit the space.


  • in Acrobat DC - I would like to change the font of a strikethrough text field after that I have check the box next to it.

    I work on a document in Acrobat DC and want to be able to use checkboxes as a checklist. Once the box is checked, I want the police in the text box the box is associated with having a police barred .

    Is this something that needs javascript?

    Textfield name is 4MedHistoryMedication1 , and there already Calibri font type.

    The box is named 4MedHistoryMed_1_RXonFile

    When the 4MedHistoryMed_1_RXonFile checkbox is checked, then the text in 4MedHistoryMedication1 will be Calibri ; So any content text already typed into this text field will get the police barred.

    Don't forget that I'm not familiar with Javascript.

    It will take JavaScript and the text field must be put in place to allow rich text formatting. You will need to set the value by using span in order to set the bar. Here is a sample script for the script of mouse upward to a check box that should help you get started:

    Script mouse upwards to the box

    (function () {}

    Set a Boolean value that indicates whether to set the property for each span made out

    which depends on the State of this check box

    var bStrikethrough =! == 'Off '.

    Get a reference to the text field

    var f = getField ("4MedHistoryMedication1");

    Get the value of the text spans tabular field that represents the rich text value

    var aRV_spans = f.richValue;

    Set the property for each span made out

    for (var i = 0; i)< arv_spans.length;="" i="" +="1)">

    aRV_spans [i] .strikethrough = bStrikethrough;


    Update the value of the text field

    f.richValue = aRV_spans;


    More info is Acrobat JavaScript reference.

  • Continuous text moves horizontally rather than start a new line in the editable text field

    I'm doing a diet backbox for visitors on my site. I did the field bar and editable text scroll and set my preferences, but when typing reached the border on the right side of the text field it just keeps typing more horizontally. I can start a new line by pressing on enter, but I want to start a new line on its own when it reaches the limit. Any help is appreciated.

    assign the wordWrap property of your true textfield.

  • I created a PDF editable using Adobe Indesign. When I open the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat Pro ms, is there a way to specify a font style? Or is it possible in InDesign to make sure that when someone types in this text field is a certain font?

    I need to make sure that the entered text is a certain font to keep continuity with the rest of the document. Thank you!

    To make form editing mode, select 'Prepare form' in the right pane. You will then get a toolbar at the top which contains various tools that focus on the form. The first thing to do is to add a temporary button. You will use this to determine the name of the font to use with the script but also to place the script that will change the properties of the font of text fields. Thus, create a button anywhere and double-click on it to bring up the field properties dialog in the Actions tab, add a JavaScript action to the mouse event to the top which is:

    // Mouse Up script for temporary button app.alert(;          

    On the appearance tab, select the font you want to use for the text fields. Once you have done this, close the form editing mode and click the button. It displays a popup that lists the name of the font. This may be different from the name that appears in the drop-down list on the appearance tab, so write down it. For example, when I chose "Minion Pro" in the menu dropdown, popup showed "MinionPro-Regular.

    The next step is to replace this script of mouse upwards by the following text:

    // Mouse Up script for temporary button  // Change the font and font size for all text field in this document for (var i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {      var f = getField(getNthFieldName(i));      if (f.type === "text") {         f.textFont = "MinionPro-Regular";         f.textSize = 9;     }  }          

    Replace "MinionPro-Regular" by the name of the font that you wrote before, and set the font size to whatever you want. Use 0 to specify a font size of 'Auto '.

    This script will change the font of all the text fields to whatever you specify. When you have verified that text fields are implemented as you want, you can go ahead and delete or hide the button. If you think you'll do a lot of forms of work, you can create customized in Acrobat tools to speed up this process, but this should help you get started. InDesign does not allow you to specify a large number of field and action properties, so you must work this way, and using scripts to automate is an accessible way to significantly speed up the process and avoid mistakes.

  • How to create a text field in the shape of 'L '.

    I need to insert a text field in an Acroform with a label that begins partially on one line, then continues on the following line, as shown below.

    Is it possible to insert a text field in an L shape? If not, is it possible to automatically move the text to the next field cursor when the person filling out the form is running out of space on the first line? I use Acrobat Pro XI on Windows 7.


    Is it possible to insert a text field in an L shape?

    Lol the PDF form fields are always rectangular.

    If not, is it possible to automatically move the text to the next field cursor when the person filling out the form is running out of space on the first line?

    Yes, it's possible, but it takes using a script.

  • Expand text fields, only when printing


    I have a dynamic form that includes several text fields for user input. These fields have a fixed height, however, allow multiple lines beyond the visible area. I don't want these fields to develop when you leave the field, but when the form is printed. The form is set up neatly on 7 pages, and I would that this still 7 when the user is working, however, I would like to expand to account for the extra text to print.

    How can I make sure when I print, expand the fields and the data flow on the next pages?

    Thank you!


    There may be a better way, but when I need to position elements in a past form I use rectangles set no border so that they are invisible and put where I need spaces.

  • Code for mobile text fields?

    I am just trying to cram a few learning in and become familiar with the basics of HTML and CSS, but I hit a block stumlbing. Sorry if I sound a bit stupid here, I'm getting just not this thing whole css at all, I don't understand how it works.

    Anyway now that I'm just trying to create a basic website, nothing complicated and I want at this stage are a background, images I can drop and drag whenever I like and especially of the text fields I can do the same thing with. I managed to find how easily place images on the page using the code - next

    < div > < img src = "image" width = "300" height = "466" alt = "" style = "position: absolute; top: 68px; left: 280px; / & gt; & lt; /p & gt;

    & lt; class p = "style2" > < / div >

    but when it comes to text is I seem to be forced to positioning itself as a word document, that is to say. left, right, Center etc...

    I watch the tutorials, in google search, and play with dreamweaver, but just can't seem to find any way to insert the same kind of... .layout object? where do I insert the text and then click on and drag, change the size of the text field and just place on the page somewhere, next to the image, below, where it is best according to me. I just want a piece of code that does this, it seems to me quite a basic function, and that's all I want at this point, just basic has to form the structure of my site, so I can get it square and then continue and further develop. I can't find anything anywhere that explains how to do this! So, I start to wonder if it is even possible and maybe completely misses me the point on web design.

    Can you please explain this or tell me a little bit of code that does the same as the code above to place images, I can insert text in and change size and drag and drop easily with the mouse?

    I spent the day ripping my hair out trying to figure this simple thing in order to climb and build my site. Until now, I've been with tables, but I don't think it's a very good way to address the issue.

    Help, someone, please! Some code is all I want and then I can go up and build the rest of my site...

    No worries. No idea how to get the text to remain fixed on the bottom, I don't know what it is who changed bewteen the two exmaples I posted.

  • How is it, text fields are spread over another?


    I've been through the forums and I tried some of the options available for others, but they do not seem to work for me.

    I currently have a dynamic form.  The 1st page positioned, so I tried as flowed, or work.  I wraped the text in their own subfrom fields and have added both of foregoing, still not woking.  I of course chose allow multiple lines and page break on several pages, still does not.  I am very frusttrated.  When I got on the 2nd page text fields that they develop properly, they should all text and automatically moved to the next page.  Is it because I have now on the 1st page?  I have the seal of assistance.  BTW, I don't know where I am with this anymore, my brain is anesthetized.


    Please find the updated form, and now the text encapsulates not on top of the next text box.

    I placed all the controls in the group under asubform and sank... And then each text box I placed inside another subform and checked the automatic adjustment of the Height property in the layout for each subform tab...

    Let me know if you still have any questions...

    Thank you


  • Cursor will not appear in the text fields, Google Street View mouseup does not

    My wife and I have almost identical computers and update of Firefox, whenever a new version comes out.
    Lately, only on his computer, when it clicks in the address bar or in a text field, the cursor sometimes does not appear. In other text fields, it appears. In the address bar, whenever you click on it, and then type, there is no cursor, and the entire address bar is always overwritten.
    In Google Street View (I think he uses the Flash Player), she can begin to drag, but then "won't let go"-it's as if the mouse to the top of command is ignored. I have to drag the mouse away from the area of the image, then again, or slide it will continue.

    Please see possible relationships to Bug: 718939

    To test this bug report is related to your issue:

    1. Find a Web page with an embedded such as [] Java applet
    2. Click the Java applet
    3. Then try clicking on the address bar or the search bar.
      • If text fields no longer responding, click on the Windows taskbar, and then click the address bar/search bar

    Comments from the bug report is a link to a version Patched in Firefox 10

    • The Version connected (located in the comment 40)
      • Note that this is not a version of Microsoft Office.

    Unaware of when an official challenge will be available

  • By assigning a value to a text field not working PHP/javascript?

    I have a site to someone else coded, where a text field does a value that is assigned.

    Form1.textfield3.value = form1.textfield1.value;
    Form1.textfield3.value = "99";

    not work, and the field is left blank.

    This same code works on Internet Explore (Win and OSX), Safari, Chrome and Opera. It does NOT work on Firefox 8 or 9.01 (Win and OSX) or 3.6.25. He used to work on an older Firefox, we had (unknown version).

    JavaScript is enabled; is there anything else we can check?

    If you check the error in Firefox (Ctrl + Shift + j) Console, you will see "form1 is not defined. This is because Firefox converts automatically form1 in reference to < form = "form1" name >. Instead, you must change the code a bit.

    You can fix the above error starting each function where you refer to form1 with this:

    Form1 = return ["form1"] var;

    However, probably just move the error to the next part of the notation (for example, textfield3). The proper way to refer to the value of a form field named is:

    document. Forms ["Form1"]. Items ["textfield3"]. Value

    or if you have set form1,

    Form1.elements ['textfield3'] .value

    If you have a few changes to make. Not sure if there are shortcuts.

    This forum focuses on the care of the end user. You can find more help web development on the mozillaZine Web Development Council. Separate forum, separate registration.

  • Problem of text selection in the text field for entry in the emulator

    I'm having a problem of text selection in a text field when I run my application in the emulator Playbook. Let me see if I can expose the problem here:

    1. The field in question is a classic text, text with an integrated in police entry field. The domain is in a SWC and referenced in another FILE.
    2. The code is set up such that when a user clicks the field function is called to highlight all the text. The code is more or less as follows:
    thisField.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onFieldClick);  private function onFieldClick(event:MouseEvent):void {    var selectedField:TextField = as TextField;    selectedField.setSelection(0, selectedField.text.length); }          

    The problem I'm having is that when I try clicking on the emulator, the text field in 'domain' is sometimes selected as expected, sometimes not. When the text is not selected as expected the cursor always appears in the field and the Playbook keyboard slides up by below. What is particularly problematic, that's what often happens, is that the whole scene moves upward on 10px when it is clicked on the ground. If I try to click on the same ground once again, another change to the top of 10px or so, etc..

    So why the text not properly selected and why the scene evolves upwards?

    I realize that more information may be required from me to correctly solve this problem, but if someone has all understand why this may be the case, I would be happy to learn from him.

    Thank you


    I can answer the question of displacement.  This is a bug in BB and supposed to be fixed in version «next» SDK

    The question of the selection, I'll guess has to do with the fileld with focus, selection is not possible.  Try to set the focus outside of maybe the text field?



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